Awokoya Mathew A.

1949 - 2020

notable reflections

He was a paragon of the grace of God and was consecration incarnate. Wise people that sought to enter the Kingdom of God love him very much but worldliness hated him perfectly. Oh happy day, the day I met Pastor Awokoya and attended the Bible study held at his house, University of Maiduguri Staff Quarters.

Pastor Ahmadu Msheliza,
DLBC, Borno State

Fondly Called ‘The Desert Warrior’ In The Arab Region. Pastor Matthew’s missionary contributions had started burgeoning into fruition. The Lord had been faithful in giving the Deeper Christian Life Ministry open doors beyond Egypt into Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait.

Pastor Famakin T. P,
DLBC, Egypt

We believe he fought a good fight throughout his sojourn here on earth. His was an unalloyed commitment to the cause of Christ from start to finish. Apart from Biblical characters, he also has left sterling examples of uncommon missionary zeal for us to emulate. We will miss him for his rare and unpretended relationship with the younger Pastors and missionaries.

Pastor Solomon B. Adeleye,

Nigeria Pastors

He touched my life

by Pastor Ahmadu Msheliza, Borno State, Nigeria.

He was a paragon of the grace of God and was consecration incarnate. Wise people that sought to enter the Kingdom of God love him very much but worldliness hated him perfectly. This God’s General used the stone of the word of God to grind us into powder for use in the Master’s Vineyard.

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He touched my life

by Pastor Ahmadu Msheliza, Borno State, Nigeria.

The name Brother Awokoya (as he was fondly called then) was synonymous with “love no the world neither the things that are in the world”. He was a paragon of the grace of God and was consecration incarnate. Wise people that sought to enter the Kingdom of God love him very much but worldliness hated him perfectly. He was not a spiritual illiterate so brother Awokoya did not classify somethings to be spiritual and somethings to be secular. To him everything “is Spiritual”. To this end, he left an unsurpassed record at the Department of Physics, University of Maiduguri as an Excellent Staff.

Oh happy day, the day I met Pastor Awokoya and attended the Bible study held at his house, University of Maiduguri Staff Quarters. This specie of bible study was unlike the one we were having at the FCS, university of Maiduguri. One hour thirty minutes’ bible study and my life was totally turned around.

I could remember the regular participants of the bible study; Irmiya Yakubu, Joel Kyari Madu, Daniel Ndong, John Yamtu, Dennis Ibrahim Goreng, John Khobe, Frama Abraham, Deborah Okuma, and Ebiyomei Nicky Tobi. These young people were mostly from the six states of the North eastern Region of Nigeria. We gave up the chicken served at the university cafeteria to attend the soul-stirring teaching of the man of God.

This God’s General used the stone of the word of God to grind us into powder for use in the Master’s Vineyard. We saw grace in him. Our spiritual metamorphosis is traceable to his instrumentality. He was not just a preacher, because of this, students and help seekers milled around him. I was a beneficiary. Idrissa Bulama, Joel K. Madu, Gabriel, Amu and many others stayed at his house in Mairi village Maiduguri. He fed us, gave us money, prayed for us and counselled us.

Sometimes we were mindless and ate all the cooked food to the point that when Bro Awokoya came home from his preaching engagement would soak gari as an alternative. No food left for him to eat. One day in those days (1980) somebody from Benue state came to the house at Mairi Village where we were living with him. The visitor, a young man who heard of Bro. Awokoya’s Spiritual power and humane benevolence came for help. TB had finished the young man.

He was a walking corpse. He coughed blood. In his characteristic way, pastor Awokoya received him. Infact Bro. Awokoya and this half-dead young man slept in the same room and the same bed all the days the young man was with us.

One day the spirit ministered to Pastor Awokoya that the young man’s Pilgrimage on earth was over. Come and hear pastor Awokoya’s exposition using an instructional material called the heart of man and applying literary devices called metaphor, simile, personification and adjectives he laid bare before us the fact that there is life after death and the conditions for making heaven. “The heart of man is desperately wicked, he emphasized. This three hour monumental sermon, came to us with unparallel conviction and all of us rededicated our lives to God, including the young man who prayed and God saved.

In the morning, still sitting in a chair as when he was still alive we shook him calling his name repeatedly, Adagaye Adagaye, alas he has dead. We wept. Pastor Awokoya himself thought that God had forsaken him. How could God allow this young man to die, he wept. But when he carried the young man’s remains to his hometown at Benue State something extraordinary happened. The people of Adagaye’s hometown cried their heart out, threw dust into the air and rolled on the ground. Pastor Awokoya had never seen such a thing before. He thought the villagers would kill him.

At the climax of the mourning one mad man was bought to Pastor Awokoya for prayer. This man went to the market that morning and got mad, there. He run home naked and the people requested Pastor Awokoya to cast out the devils. Pastor Awokoya in response prayed an anguish-laden prayer of faith and consequently the violent-naked newly possessed man was instantly delivered. The unearthly mourning for Adagaye turned into dancing.
This paragon of grace touched my life in no small measure. God used him to bring my mother to the saving knowledge of Christ this event took place in 1979. Pastor Awokoya’s interpreter was the Ladan (Islamic Prayer Caller) of Government Secondary School Maiduguri. He was one of Pastor Awokoya’s Muslim converts. This shows that God used him to bring many of our people to the saving knowledge of the truth.

My mother turned from Islam to Jesus through the instrumentality of this man of God whoever thought that my mother being a devoted Muslim could get converted.

Some of us, the first fruit of his labour in the North Eastern part of Nigeria are here to mourn and celebrate the passage of our Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, and father in the Lord who electrified our cities with the light of the gospel.

UK Pastors

Continue to rest in His bosom.

by Pastor Adedayo Adebayo, UK.

Continue to rest in His bosom. And we shall continue to keep the faith and win more souls into the Kingdom. Already missing your calls daddy. Farewell!

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Tribute to Pastor Awokoya

by Pastor Adedayo Adebayo, UK.

I remembered in one of our Congress heart to heart talk as a father to a son. How you told me that you tried to start Deeper Life in 1970s when you came to Glasgow for a course. And when I told you that the little seed you planted has grown to become a region now in DCLM UK.

How you were so happy that the Lord has answered your prayers. God bless you sir. Continue to rest in His bosom. And we shall continue to keep the faith and win more souls into the Kingdom. Already missing your calls daddy. Farewell!

Nigeria Family

Adieu my Dear Uncle

by Dns. Engr. Ayotunde Akanni, Nigeria.

Thank you for those Morning Devotional Messages you always sent. You did that for many years and I never bordered to read for a day just because I thought you wanted me to attend Deeper Life Church, until last year January, 2020 that I started reading them. Those Daily Messages have really helped my spiritual growth

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Adieu My Dear Uncle

by Dns. Engr. Ayotunde Akanni, Nigeria.

Adieu my Uncle, I never imagined it could be this soon, that morning, when mummy called me, praying and crying, I couldn’t even ask for what happened until I was inside Lagos bus, I thought you were just in comma, I didn’t know it was the end.

I will forever cherish the love you have for your sister my - mum which was extended to me. The relationship you shared with her is one value I will always keep, I couldn’t doubt it the day you said that: “You told the Lord that if it’s only one child you would have, God should give it to your sister so that she would not loose her soul while looking for a child”.

Thank you for those Morning Devotional Messages you always sent. You did that for many years and I never bordered to read for a day just because I thought you wanted me to attend Deeper Life Church, until last year January, 2020 that I started reading them. Those Daily Messages have really helped my spiritual growth, Thank you for not giving up on me.
I will hold on to the path you have shown me and to the memories of the last day we shared.

Glory be to God! You laid down your sword victoriously. You have joined the Host of Heavens to sing - Hallelujah. Adieu My Dear Uncle

South Sudan Pastors

Continue to rest in His bosom.

by Dr David Ameh, South Sudan.

Your track record of tilling hard grounds in very hard to reach parts of the world has left a great mark in South Sudan, where Deeper Life Bible Church has finally found a footing by the grace of God.

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Tribute to our Pastor and Father in South Sudan

by Dr David Ameh, South Sudan.

The news of your glorious exit from the world to be with the Lord came to me with a shock that has lingered to date. It came to me while waiting for your return to South Sudan to continue the work. You left a great vacuum in South Sudan that is hard to fill, but trusting God to help us carry on. Your track record of tilling hard grounds in very hard to reach parts of the world has left a great mark in South Sudan, where Deeper Life Bible Church has finally found a footing by the grace of God. This can only happen through resilient labourers of your calibre. Just to recall one challenging series of experiences you led us through, which is the experience of frequent ejection by landlords that has made us to shift our headquarter church four times over the years since the church’s inception in the country, coupled with the stress of locating new rented lands for our place of worship. You sailed through all of these as a gallant soldier of the cross.

Pastor Matthew Awokoya the missionary who preached, taught, trained and discipled those under him on rudiments of sound doctrines of the Bible.

This new country was devastated by wars with no amenities like electricity and functional pipe borne water. Pastor Awokoya made provision of solar panels to provide electrify in the church. He lived in mud houses because good accommodation were too expensive and many other odds. Yet none of these challenges deterred him from doing what he was in South Sudan to do for the Lord.

He was able to get a plot of land despite the fact that plot of land in South Sudan was very expensive and can go for 25-30 thousand US dollars. He was able to get eight plots of land, one of which he was able to build and completed as the first church auditorium on a Church land before his home calling. The other were six plots of land fenced round and the third location has a rooftop in place and the pastorium is to be built there . He started radio preaching and goes to the air every Sunday after church service. Through that medium souls have been won with some in the church with us today.

During the two terrible wars in South Sudan, that was in 2013 and 2016 many were killed and others that survived are still in Uganda as refugees but Pastor Awokoya and his wife never left the mission post. What a love and commitment to the Lord and flocks.

He had no comfortable car but rather drove an old right hand drive Hiace bus offered to him by someone who observed him walking and using motorbike or jumping on public transport to get to any where he had to go. He used the bus to bring street boys to programs and to take brethren at will to places near their homes. He was totally given to the work of the Lord.

No complaints nor did he ever murmur in any situation which he found himself. He joyfully served and laboured, though fatigued yet he persisted and pushed till he laid down his tools at the feet of Jesus peacefully. We have no doubt you indeed had a special calling for such mission fields. We miss your fatherly counsels and leadership, but God knows why you have to depart at a time like this. Our greatest consolation is that by God’s grace we will meet at the feet of Jesus in heaven for an eternal fellowship with our maker in Jesus name. Amen.

UK Friends

My own dad met Pastor in 1979

by Dr Izuchukwu David Onyebuchi, UK.

Interesting, my own dad met Pastor in 1979 and sought counsel from him while my daddy was a student at the University of Maiduguri. Little did I know that I also was to seek guardianship from Pastor again in 2009 while I also was a student at the University of Maiduguri.

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Tribute to Daddy - Pastor Awokoya

by Dr Izuchukwu David Onyebuchi, UK.

Interesting, my own dad met Pastor in 1979 and sought counsel from him while my daddy was a student at the University of Maiduguri.

Little did I know that I also was to seek guardianship from Pastor again in 2009 while I also was a student at the University of Maiduguri. 30 years! And two generations of kindness shown towards me. That’s how massive and warm Pastor was.

I remember being in Pastor’s sitting room and we started talking. I reminded him of my father and he was so pleased. My father even spoke with him again. We had never met before, I only was friends with his boys. At 2009, I was at a spiritual crossroad, and I remember Pastor driving me back to school campus in his jeep. We started sharing again. I tried being evasive, but with Pastor, it was different. Pastor was so warm and gentle that he melted all my defenses. Pastor was different. I could trust Pastor with my vulnerability. His last words to me that day was simple: “Listen to me my son, I have told you what to do so that it can be well with you, so that things work well for you”.

Pastor later told my sister about me that day, and she started teasing me again, and here I was acting so grown up. 😂 Pastor was just a warm FATHER. In 2015, shortly before my father passed on to glory, he spoke with my father again and prayed with him. I was told and I felt at peace. Pastor loved my family. His family have been very close to my family : The Dr Onyebuchi’s.

The news of Pastor’s exit to glory was not surprising to me. God had always known. God comforted us. But I keep telling God that I have lost all the big stuffs (Daddies) in my life, and yes it still hurts.

Pastor’s final words to me has being my guiding light. I pray every day hoping that I should never stray from the narrow path. Pastor, I hope to see you again at the Beautiful Gate, and we shall dance at the banks of the River of Life. Goodnight Papa.


Our renowned "Desert Warrior", is gone!

by Ezekiel Joel Olu, Nigeria.

The DCLM has lost a daring, tireless, indefatigable, uncommon, humble, amiable, friendly but firm, unpretentious, and fiery Army General.

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Tribute to the great DLBC General, Pastor Awokoya

by Ezekiel Joel Olu, Nigeria.

So it’s true! He left without our having our usual jovial, but thought-provoking, banters? During our last discussion, he was full of life, and in South Sudan!

Our renowned “Desert Warrior”, is gone! Adieu! The DCLM has lost a daring, tireless, indefatigable, uncommon, humble, amiable, friendly but firm, unpretentious, and fiery Army General. His commitment to the Gospel, and submission to leadership remain second to none! My thoughts are with the precious family he has left behind. He has gone to his rest, I believe. May God console his family and the DLBC in Sudan, and especially in the Chadian nation.

Nigeria Family

Goonight Papa

by Mrs. Faith Awokoya , Nigeria.

Having a Father in-law like mine was one of God’s greatest blessing to me this past year. One time papa and I were speaking over the phone(he was in Sudan at the time), I remember him particularly interested in knowing all the names of my siblings and mother.

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Tribute to the best Father in-Law

by Mrs. Faith Awokoya , Nigeria.

Having a Father in-law like mine was one of God’s greatest blessing to me this past year. One time papa and I were speaking over the phone(he was in Sudan at the time), I remember him particularly interested in knowing all the names of my siblings and mother. Right from the beginning he took me as one of his own, even before I married my husband. I fondly remember his warmth and smile the first time I paid him and mummy a visit. Being the father that he was, he sat me down and told me about his university days, about lecturing and when he decided to walk closely with God. He ensured that the message of the gospel was included in almost all the conversations we had. I felt so welcomed, and left that day thinking about how heaven conscious someone can be, not just for himself but also for as many that came in contact with him.

I also remember that we had opened the Bible together to get God’s perspective about an issue on one or two occasions. After my wedding, Daddy still called me at different times to check on me. I never doubted his love for me and I always wondered if there were father in-laws that show so much care and concern to their daughter inlaws. Daddy was the type of Christian who not only believed the word but obeyed and acted it out. He was a true soldier for Christ, taking the message of the gospel to the ends of the Earth. He actively lived out John 9:4, Acts 1:8. He was indeed a father and a good soul.

Nigeria Family

Rest in Peace dear Uncle

by Lanre Lamina, MTN CIO Zambia.

The gallant soldier of Christ goes home. Rest in Peace dear Uncle, Pastor Akin Awokoya. You devoted your life to mission work in desert lands and war zones of Africa for which you were fondly called Desert Warrior.

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Tribute a gallant soldier of Christ

by Lanre Lamina, MTN CIO Zambia.

The gallant soldier of Christ goes home. Rest in Peace dear Uncle, Pastor Akin Awokoya. Though painful, we rejoice and take solace in the fact that you fought a good fight, you finished your course and you kept the faith.

You devoted your life to mission work in desert lands and war zones of Africa for which you were fondly called Desert Warrior. We will continue to cherish the memories of your selfless life devoted to the kingdom of God and humanity.

Nigeria Family

My immediate Senior Brother has gone!

by Patrick Oladipupo Awokoya, Ibadan, Nigeria.

You are always loved in the Family, Immediate and Extended. As you introduced Christ to the Lives of many who are now Soldiers For Christ.

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My immediate Senior Brother has gone Home!

by Patrick Oladipupo Awokoya, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Brother Akin, Ah ! Brother Akin ! So, I can’t see you again ? Is it really true that you are no more with us ? Oh God ! O God ! My immediate Senior Brother has gone ! We are mourning Your Sudden and Unbelievable Departure from the Earth Who will console us ? Who will help to wipe off our tears ? Only God, Only God is able My Brother Pastor Matthew Akinyele Awokoya We have never heard that You were on any Annual Leave No Vacation of any type You faithfully and dedicatedly worked for The Lord - No Leave, No Rest, Everyday You were on the Lord’s work Evangelizing, Preaching, Teaching and Counselling with the words of God Winning Souls for Christ Is always your joy in the Service of the Lord We know and see you as A truly born again man of God A real, genuine Pastor of God You were a Missionary Church Planter, National Overseer The work of God has taken You to so many Countries Of the World. We thank God for Your life. A caring, loving and highly Accommodating a man As you do to so many People You are a Daddy to many children LIn the Lord who you monitored To success Spiritually and Physically - You tried your best. You are always loved in the Family Immediate and Extended As you introduced Christ to the Lives of many who are now Soldiers For Christ Lot’s to say about your Successful Earthly Journey The Little I have said Make a memorable memories Of You my dear Brother Akin. May Your Soul Rest In Perfect Peace Good Bye. Till We Meet In Heaven

Tchad Missionary

‌He‌ ‌was‌ ‌a‌ ‌mentor‌ ‌and‌ ‌gladiator‌ ‌in‌ ‌many‌ ‌missionary‌ ‌ fields.

by Pastor Buba Ahmed, National Overseer, Chad.

The‌ ‌testimony‌ ‌of‌ ‌my‌ ‌life‌ ‌and‌ ‌journey‌ ‌into‌ ‌the‌ ‌ministry‌ ‌wouldn't‌ ‌be‌ ‌complete‌ ‌without‌ ‌mentioning‌ ‌him.‌ ‌I‌ ‌ first‌ ‌met‌ ‌him‌ ‌in‌ ‌mid‌ ‌1977‌ ‌at‌ ‌Maiduguri,‌ ‌that‌ ‌gave‌ ‌me‌ ‌a‌ ‌Deeper‌ ‌knowledge‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Christian‌ ‌faith.‌ ‌It‌ ‌was‌ ‌ raw,‌ ‌rugged,‌ ‌reassuring‌ ‌and‌ ‌resolute.‌

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He touched my life

by Pastor Buba Ahmed, National Overseer, Chad.

Glorious‌ ‌exit‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌man‌ ‌of‌ ‌God,‌ ‌Pastor‌ ‌Matthew‌ ‌A.‌ ‌Awokoya.‌ ‌ ‌ The‌ ‌testimony‌ ‌of‌ ‌my‌ ‌life‌ ‌and‌ ‌journey‌ ‌into‌ ‌the‌ ‌ministry‌ ‌wouldn’t‌ ‌be‌ ‌complete‌ ‌without‌ ‌mentioning‌ ‌him.‌ ‌I‌ ‌ first‌ ‌met‌ ‌him‌ ‌in‌ ‌mid‌ ‌1977‌ ‌at‌ ‌Maiduguri,‌ ‌that‌ ‌gave‌ ‌me‌ ‌a‌ ‌Deeper‌ ‌knowledge‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Christian‌ ‌faith.‌ ‌It‌ ‌was‌ ‌ raw,‌ ‌rugged,‌ ‌reassuring‌ ‌and‌ ‌resolute.‌ ‌My‌ ‌unforgettable‌ ‌encounter‌ ‌was‌ ‌when‌ ‌in‌ ‌1978,‌ ‌we‌ ‌were‌ ‌taken‌ ‌on‌ ‌ a‌ ‌long‌ ‌trip‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Youth‌ ‌Camp,‌ ‌Shagamu‌ ‌for‌ ‌a‌ ‌workers‌ ‌retreat.‌ ‌That‌ ‌program‌ ‌was‌ ‌classical‌ ‌and‌ ‌spiritually‌ ‌ oriented,‌ ‌so‌ ‌insightful,‌ ‌inspiring,‌ ‌fruitful‌ ‌and‌ ‌fulfilling.‌ ‌He‌ ‌was‌ ‌a‌ ‌mentor‌ ‌and‌ ‌gladiator‌ ‌in‌ ‌many‌ ‌missionary‌ ‌ fields.‌ ‌He‌ ‌will‌ ‌ever‌ ‌be‌ ‌remembered‌ ‌for‌ ‌the‌ ‌great‌ ‌gospel‌ ‌work‌ ‌in‌ ‌Borno/Yobe‌ ‌states‌ ‌and‌ ‌Chad‌ ‌Republic‌ ‌ respectively‌ ‌etc.‌ ‌

May‌ ‌the‌ ‌good‌ ‌Lord‌ ‌console‌ ‌his‌ ‌family.‌ ‌May‌ ‌we‌ ‌also‌ ‌finish‌ ‌well‌ ‌at‌ ‌our‌ ‌post‌ ‌when‌ ‌the‌ ‌final‌ ‌call‌ ‌comes.‌

Egypt Missionary

Fondly called 'the desert warrior' in the Arab region

by Pastor Famakin T. P., Egypt.

Pastor Matthew's missionary contributions had started burgeoning into fruition. The Lord had been faithful in giving the Deeper Christian Life Ministry open doors beyond Egypt into Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait.

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Tribute to the Desert warrior - Father to the Arab world mission field

by Pastor Famakin T. P., Egypt.

‘Pastor Matthew was fondly called ‘the desert warrior’ in the Arab region because of his dogged tenacity and fervent passion for the salvation of the sons and daughters of Abraham of the Arab stock. His memory will remain evergreen in the hearts of the Arab brethren and ministers whose infectious but unpretentious candor charmed to believe in the missionary revelation couched in the prophetic vision of Isaiah that  ‘In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to  Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians…’

Pastor Matthew’s missionary contributions had started burgeoning into fruition. The Lord had been faithful in giving the Deeper Christian Life Ministry open doors beyond Egypt into Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait.

Death is a mere punctuation in the full sentence of the life of the ‘desert warrior.’ Eternity will unfold the full revelation of the unwritten chapters of the missionary adventures of this man of God in the Arab world. Beloved brother, your infectious smiles will remain in our memories. And the flame you lit in our hearts will never want in radiance till the day dawns in Jesus’s name. We love you. But the LORD you served with your whole life loves you more!

Russia Missionary

Goodnight to a general, Pastor Awokoya

by Pastor Oyedokun Simeon - National Overseer, Russia.

His consecration and commitment to the proclamation of the gospel regardless of the soil was unquestionable.

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Tribute to the general, Pastor Awokoya

by Pastor Oyedokun Simeon - National Overseer, Russia.

His consecration and commitment to the proclamation of the gospel regardless of the soil was unquestionable. He fought, conquered and without doubt won the crown of righteousness.

May we all finish strong in Jesus name. I also pray that God will give the fortitude to his immediate family and the body of Christ to bear the vacuum his demise created. Goodnight to a general Pastor Awokoya

Swaziland Missionary

A Tribute to our Pastor, missionary, mentor, and a Spiritual Father

by Pastor Udombang, National Overseer Swaziland.

I first met with this great Mentor and God's general in Jos at a December retreat and drank from his message titled " this is the fruit of the land", it was at that retreat that the Lord gave me the purpose of my life

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Great Mentor and God's general

by Pastor Udombang, National Overseer Swaziland.

To God be the glory, that you have departed this earthly pilgrimage for your mansion and rewards from the Lord. Dear Desert Warrior, as I fondly called you, you finished your course, kept the faith, fought a good flight, and now wear your Crown.

I first met with this great Mentor and God’s general in Jos at a December retreat and drank from his message titled “ this is the fruit of the land”, it was at that retreat that the Lord gave me the purpose of my life, to which has led me this far. From there I began to visit his church and ministry at Maiduguri, for mentorship and spiritual development.

I was challenged with devotion, selfless pursuit of the gospel mandate, holiness, disciplining of converts. His open-hearted love for believers, has no equal. Farewell, great general of God, may God raise up from his family, another gift to the Body of Christ. Our mother, may God bless and strengthen you in times like this to run the race to join the overcomers throng, like our Pastor, and to the children ,may God of comfort, comfort you all, and help you to cherish the divine and redemption legacies our Pastor left behind, and keep it, while following in his foot steps.

May God bless and keep the Awokoya’s family. Pastor Samuel and Sister Comfort Udombang, and family, National Overseer Swaziland, now Eswstini

South Sudan Pastors

such a committed servant of God

by Pastor Moses Olaki, South Sudan.

I have never met such a committed servant of God like Daddy Awokoya Mathew. He lived more spiritually than human because he spent more time nourishing his spirit man than eating physical food.

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TRIBUTE TO One of the greatest missionaries of our time

by Pastor Moses Olaki, South Sudan.

I have never met such a committed servant of God like Daddy Awokoya Mathew. He lived more spiritually than human because he spent more time nourishing his spirit man than eating physical food. He denied himself pleasures of this world to go preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in places where nobody desired to go. He endured war places to serve the communities there in. He rebuked with compassion and was always there to teach those in and out of Church. I could write a whole book about you but we spare that for another day. Rest in Peace Papa. Will see you again in heaven.

Nigeria Pastors

One of the greatest missionaries of our time

by Prof. Olaleru, Unilag, Nigeria.

One of the most rugged soldiers of the cross that ever lived. He has paid his dues and left the baton to whosoever wishes to follow a good and eternally rewarding step.

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TRIBUTE TO One of the greatest missionaries of our time

by Prof. Olaleru, Unilag, Nigeria.

One of the greatest missionaries of our time. One of the most rugged soldiers of the cross that ever lived. He has paid his dues and left the baton to whosoever wishes to follow a good and eternally rewarding step. Though not popular on earth, yet well recognized and respected in heaven. Definitely, the angels of heaven give special welcome to this great soldier of the cross who enjoyed fighting for salvation of souls at dangerous and difficult terrains. “Let me die the death of the righteous…”

Nigeria Missionary

He left sterling examples of uncommon missionary zeal for us

by Pastor Solomon B. Adeleye, PRAIA, CAPE Verde.

We believe he fought a good fight throughout his sojourn here on earth. His was an unalloyed commitment to the cause of Christ from start to finish. Apart from Biblical characters, he also has left sterling examples of uncommon missionary zeal for us to emulate. We will miss him for his rare and unpretended relationship with the younger Pastors and missionaries.

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by Pastor Solomon B. Adeleye, PRAIA, CAPE Verde.

We learnt with shock the passing on of “the old soldier”, our dear Pastor Mathew Awokoya in Lagos in the wee hours of Saturday 12 of December, 2020.

We believe he fought a good fight throughout his sojourn here on earth. His was an unalloyed commitment to the cause of Christ from start to finish.

Apart from Biblical characters, he also has left sterling examples of uncommon missionary zeal for us to emulate. We will miss him for his rare and unpretended relationship with the younger Pastors and missionaries.

He always had a story to tell, with a smile, to shore up our waning faith on the field. He was always radiant with anecdotes that were instructive: Like telling Princess, the second daughter, “how can a newly married woman carry excess luggage to her new matrimonial home”. Princess got the message.

And this one, talking about our young ones today: He said “I envy these young ones.”When they marry we do it for them. When they are pregnant we are in it together. And when they bring forth their babies, with Skype technology we are fully involved. We did not enjoy such a luxury in our time”. What a husband, father, christian, servant of God, Pastor, and missionary. Adeus, “the old soldier that never dies”!

Rest in the bossom of the Lord to receive your crowning reward. (2 Timothy 4:7, 8).

Nigeria Friends

Tribute to a classmate and mentor

by HRM(OBA)S.O Sobaloju.Akantioke 1,Gbadebori of Alapata, Nigeria.

He fed us all within his capability. He had a nondiscriminatory large heart. With the advent of digital communications, we reconnected and consistently his theme for discussion always centered on evangelism for Christ. Even on his sick bed, his tone never waved.

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by HRM(OBA)S.O Sobaloju.Akantioke 1,Gbadebori of Alapata, Nigeria.

It was a humble privilege to write this piece in memory of our dear classmate, brother, confidant and mentor, with whom we had shared different facetision, À life spanning fifty-five years.

In the grammar school, we were the tenth set, and were rechristened in the course of the year with gender balancing and phenotypic ally, from white-white to navy-blue white. Only in our set, a class captain in 1966 translocated to the Senior Prefect status, the first time in the history of the school. The occupier of this position was Mathew Akinyele Awokoya.

On extracurricular activities, the school had an unviable legacy of being a” thermogene” school, especially in the Western region, so boys drifted to football while a few of the other boys to literary and debating society, traditional dancing group, photography group, singing/music group, badminton group, etc(you had to belong to minimum two groups). Mathew belonged to two: music and badminton groups, this gave him Lee way for tract distribution and an opportunity to learn piano playing under Mr SA.Sagunna (of blessed memory). With the acquisition of additional five new piano, skill acquisition became a vogue, with the hope that students would play during the  routine morning devotional worship. Under this environment, a dynamic episcopal organizer emerged under CAN to organize a monthly service for all boarding schools with standard registered boarding schools in Ife division for a joined service for boarders. It was spiritually inspiring. The senior boys and girls joined the choir of st Paul’s church Ayegbaju. Ife.

It was a memorable time in which some day students came to the boarding house in order to participate in the joint service a day prior to the last Saturday of the month.

The valedictory service toil place in December and we went into the world with its attendant principalities. By April 1971, meritocracy was reigning, Mathew secured an appointment with the department of pharmacy with accommodation attached courtesy of the HOD based into the world with all the attending principalities. By 1971, Mathew was employed by the University of I’fe and posted to the department of pharmacy with accommodation attached courtesy of HOD of the university. We came to Ibadan for interview and meritocracy was in Vogue, l had to stay with him for the period of the session, ultimately, I was successful and got admitted into IAR&T, moor plantation Ibadan. We were four staying with Mathew and we came from different cities, for different vocational technical/professional institutions. viz: schools of nursing, of radiography, co-op college, medical laboratory technology, etc. lnfact we renamed the BQ’  ‘.Africa Hall’., where we made a duty roaster for all occupants irrespective of social status,. He fed us all within his capability. He had a nondiscriminatory large heart. With the advent of digital communications, we reconnected and consistently his theme for discussion always centered on evangelism for Christ. Even on his sick bed, his tone never waved. We are all candle in the hand of God, he had shone the world effective and efficient utilization of the beam. May his demise be a blessing to all. RIP.

Nigeria Pastors

A fire brand that inspired lots of indigenous Borno pastors.

by Victor Uche, Nigeria.

A fire brand that inspired lots of indigenous Borno pastors. PST Pogu, PST Yerima, and even PST Solomon and PST Okocha from the SE

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A great father of faith.

by Victor Uche, Nigeria.

A great father of faith. Remember him preach on the Power of the Holy ghost in a campus retreat in Kaduna, that message lasted for over 2hours and many forgot to take lunch during the break time. People kept praying.

A fire brand that inspired lots of indigenous Borno pastors. PST Pogu, PST Yerima, and even PST Solomon and PST Okocha from the SE. A father with exemplary courage to go anywhere for the gospel.

Nigeria Pastors

The Undaunted soldier of Christ

by Mummy Rebekah Risi Araromi, National Overseer Wife - Niger State.

We shall meet one day, to part no more. Always proud of you, egbon mi!

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The Undaunted soldier of Christ

by Mummy Rebekah Risi Araromi, National Overseer Wife - Niger State.

The Undaunted soldier of Christ has gone to His reward. I am comforted in this fact that you only went ahead of us. We shall meet one day, to part no more. Always proud of you, egbon mi

Nigeria Family


by Mrs M. O. Awokoya. Your Sister in-law, Ibadan, Nigeria.

You've always been an Ambassador of Christ anywhere you go - Preaching, Teaching and Counseling with the words of God.

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by Mrs M. O. Awokoya. Your Sister in-law, Ibadan, Nigeria.

We have truly missed a great man, a great member of Awokoya Family. Our dear Daddy, A great and true Pastor of God. The news of your death is like a dream to all of us and we’re really finding it difficult to believe until now - that we have lost a Gem !

You’ve always been an Ambassador of Christ anywhere you go - Preaching, Teaching and Counseling with the words of God. You have never been tired of showing love and care to every members of your immediate and extended Family members. You don’t discriminate in your interactions with people within and outside Nigeria. Church Planter, Missionary and Holy Spirit Filled man of God.

Good Bye Daddy. Pastor Matthew Akinyele Awokoya. May Your Soul Rest In Perfect Peace in Jesus name, Amen.

South Sudan Friends

Daddy was a father of faith

by Rebecca Agau Deng., South Sudan.

Words of mouth and written words can't express how much your labor and missionary work in South Sudan changed my life and many in my country. I thank God almighty for the seed of righteousness and holiness you planted and invested in the life of many South Sudanese

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Daddy was a father of faith

by Rebecca Agau Deng., South Sudan.

Daddy Awokoya Matthew, it’s sad losing you in this time, we were expecting you in South Sudan for retreat 2020, However you are no more, you are departed to heaven. I believe that you are sitting up at the right hand of God with Jesus Christ.

Words of mouth and written words can’t express how much your labor and missionary work in South Sudan changed my life and many in my country. I thank God almighty for the seed of righteousness and holiness you planted and invested in the life of many South Sudanese, I also thank God for sister Mary Awokoya who introduced me to Deeper life church in Thongpiny Juba in 2013. I remember that day, I was crying because I was heavenly loaded up with much bondage in my heart but you preached and prayed for me, my marriage and careers changed because you said I should call God for anything. I remember how I asked for your prayers each time I go for interviews and I get all the jobs you prayed for, I have learned a lot about the kingdom of heaven that I never knew before coming to Deeper life, And today I am proudly a child of God because you made me understand everything about Jesus Christ.

With all my heart and spirit I would like to thank God for the gift of Awokoya Matthew. I came to understand that God is a giver of strength and courage, daddy worked with no fear of death, even in sickness he would still stand strong and preached the word of God. I remember in 2016, the day war broke out, he was praying loudly and we had lots of gun shoots near the national security office. Daddy would run around driving to radio station preaching to the people, house fellowship and church building. The strength he had no any young man has it in South Sudan, this kept me speaking in heart that when you know God like daddy people don’t grow old, age and bad situation of South Sudan did not limit pastor Awokoya.

I have known you as an uncompromising solider, mentor and a counselor and above all your unconditional love for the work of God. Daddy was a father of faith I remember in 2014 when I was in court with my drive who sold out my car and on Sunday something told me to tell you about it, but you said first thing tomorrow morning on Monday go to court and withdraw that case, so I did as he said, surprisingly on Thursday at 8pm my cousin called me from Wau telling me that they have seen my car, surely that car was got by faith.

I pray that I will not depart from good news of Christ that you install in my life and many others in South Sudan. I thank God for Mama Mary Awokoya Matthew and the son Joseph and brother David Ameh for their unwavering support to daddy in the work of the ministry in our country. Mummy I remember that day after the fighting the water of first rein fall how they were black in color and daddy Awokoya was busy working inside the church while we’re talking about the war days. I know God has already rewards him with everlasting life in heaven. It’s most difficult time for me writing this to say goodbye to my commander in chief of army of God. Much love to the family and friends and church of Deeper life Nigeria. May The soul of daddy rest in peace.

Your daughter in Christ Jesus.

Tchad Pastors

He pioneered the Deeper life Church, Chad.

by Pastor Mathias , Deeper Life, Chad.

He landed in Chad in 1987 with the only passion to win souls to God. Pastor Awokoya pioneered the Deeper Life Bible Church in Chad and went ahead to establish churches everywhere from Ndjamena to the rest of Chad. He was able to gather around him by the power and wisdom of God of reversed alcoholics and hopelessness.

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My Spiritual Father and Pioneer of the Chad Deeper Life Bible Church

by Pastor Mathias , Deeper Life, Chad.

Mom, Deborah, Princess, Moses and Daniel.

Good evening, With the departure of our dear dad to glory and in these cruel times, I beg you to accept my most emotional and sad condolences.

To the instrument that God used powerfully for my spiritual transformation. What I have become today on the Evangelical level, I owe it in part to this man who deserves testimony and tributes.

A great man has gone home. He landed in Chad in 1987 with the only passion to win souls to God, he established churches in Ndjamena and deep Chad. He poured into the word of God, he was able to gather around him by the power and wisdom of God of reversed alcoholics and hopelessness.

He bequeathed to the Chadian church an unparalleled spiritual legacy: microphone preaching, new style evangelization campaigns, prayer vigils…His mission in Chad has been fulfilled. He was the pioneer of Chad’s Deep Life Bible Church.

He taught me how to love God and serve Him by his way of living. He was an unparalleled visionary, a spiritual bulldozer and a dynamic and prophetic intercessor. He had the words and illustrations for every situation in life.